【中学校】Global Study June 27th
2019年7月2日 16時42分今日のグローバルスタディは、クラスを2つに分けて行いました。
もう一方のグループは、校舎を使っての探索ミッションを行いました。Mission Card に書かれた指示に従って校内を探索し、メッセージを集める活動を行いました。中には、校内見取り図を活用して、あらかじめ目印をうってから出発するグループもありました。どのグループもメンバーどうし協力し、大変熱心にMission completeをめざしていました。
During today’s Global Study, students learned a lot through two courses.
The first group visited the classrooms of the high school and joined the English classes. One student told the teacher that he was very impressed by the high school students, and would make an effort to be a better English speaker. They were surprised to see the length and difficulty of the English sentences that the high school students used.
The second group had a Mission Game in the school building. Following the mission cards, the students were supposed to walk around and find Message Cards. Some groups used the map of the school building effectively before their departure. All of the students attending the class did very well at today’s Global Study.