2019年6月26日 11時19分U-18東南アジア選抜チーム「ASIAN ELEVEN」vs U-18東北選抜 の国際親善試合が6月22日(土)に開催されます。19日(水)の未来創造探究の時間に、「ASIAN ELEVEN」が来校し、交流を行いました。未来創造探究の原子力防災班に所属する3年佐藤君のツアー企画を通しての交流です。当日はあいにくの雨となってしまいましたが、双葉郡の課題と魅力、ふたば未来学園の取り組みを一生懸命英語で伝えることができました。2年生のスポーツ探究班の生徒も、英語での意思疎通に臨みました。帰校後に地域協働スペースでグループトークを行いました。「ASIAN ELEVEN」vs U-18東北選抜の試合が実り多い物になるよう、応援のメッセージを伝えてお別れしました。
An international match “the U-18 Southeast Asian Selection Team ASIAN ELEVEN vs. U-18 Tohoku Selection Team” is going to be held on June 22nd (Sat). On June 19th (Wednesday), ASIAN ELEVEN came to our school for the cultural exchange. This exchange was conducted by the tour project of, a high school third grader, Mr. Sato. He currently belongs to the Nuclear Disaster Prevention Team of Future Creating Education. Unfortunately, it rained on the day of the tour, but he was able to convey in English the challenges and attractions of Futaba-Area and the efforts of Futaba Mirai Gakuen. The students from the sports research team for sophomores also joined his program and communicated in English. After returning to school, they held a group talk in the community cooperation space. They concluded with a message of encouragement so that the ASIAN ELEVEN vs. U-18 Tohoku selection match would be fruitful. Their project was successful.
[In front of the Tanbo-Art.]
[On the bus during the tour]
[At school]